/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 18:46:54 Aug 20, 2013 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 21:58:43 Dec 12, 2016. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ $(document).ready(function(){ var ep = $('#playlist a').first().attr("onclick"); if(ep){ var length_string = ep.length; var calculation = length_string - 7; var result = ep.slice(calculation,-6); var id = ep.slice(8,-14); if( !$('#playlist a:eq(1)').attr("onclick") ) { $('#playlist').hide(); } vid(result, id); } else { $('#playlist').hide(); } /* */ tabs(); $('.player li:first').addClass('active'); $('#listblock div:first').show(); $('.player li a').click(function(){ $('.player li').removeClass('active'); $(this).parent('li').addClass('active'); var href = $(this).attr('href'); $('#listblock div').hide(); $(href).show(); var ep1 = $(href+' a').first().attr("onclick"); //ep1 = jQuery.trim(ep1); if(ep1) { var length_string = ep1.length; var calculation = length_string - 7; var result = ep1.slice(calculation,-6); var id = ep1.slice(8,-15); vid(result, id); } return false; }); /*$(document).on('click', '#dd', function(){ var r = $(document).find('#player_container').attr("data"); // var r = attr("data"); alert(r); });*/ }); var old_link = -1; function vidLoc(id,link,type,play) { if ( old_link > 0 ) { if ( old_link%2 != 0 ) { document.getElementById('ep'+old_link).className = 'ep1'; } else { document.getElementById('ep'+old_link).className = 'ep2'; } } document.getElementById('ep'+link).className = 'eps'; old_link = link * 1; if ( type == 1 ) { document.getElementById('player'+play).innerHTML = ''; } if ( type == 2 ) { document.getElementById('player'+play).innerHTML = ''; } if ( type == 3 ){ document.getElementById('player'+play).innerHTML = ''; } if ( type == 4 ){ document.getElementById('player'+play).innerHTML = ''; } if ( type == 5 ){ document.getElementById('player'+play).innerHTML = ''; } if ( type == 6 ){ document.getElementById('player'+play).innerHTML = ''; } if ( type == 7 ){ document.getElementById('player'+play).innerHTML = ''; } if ( type == 8 ) { document.getElementById('player'+play).innerHTML = ''; } } function vid(result,id) { if(result == 1){ var playlist = ''; } if(result == 2){ var playlist = ''; } if(result == 3){ var playlist = ''; } if(result == 4){ var playlist = ''; } if(result == 5){ var playlist = ''; } if(result == 6){ var playlist = ''; } if(result == 7){ var playlist = ''; } if(result == 8){ var playlist = ''; } $('#player0').html(playlist); } function tabs() { if($('#p5').length > 0 ) { $('.player ul').append('
  • VK плеер
  • '); } if( $('#p3').length > 0 ) { $('.player ul').append('
  • Sibnet плеер
  • '); } if( $('#p1').length > 0 ) { $('.player ul').append('
  • Kiwi плеер
  • '); } if($('#p2').length > 0 ) { $('.player ul').append('
  • Rutube плеер
  • '); } if($('#p4').length > 0 ) { $('.player ul').append('
  • Myvi плеер
  • '); } if($('#p6').length > 0 ) { $('.player ul').append('
  • Mail плеер
  • '); } if($('#p7').length > 0 ) { $('.player ul').append('
  • Яндекс плеер
  • '); } }